Life as I smell it: Hampton Court

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I grew up a hop, skip and a lot of school trips away from Hampton Court Palace. As a child it was a magical mystical world where women wondered the lawns in Tudor garb and they sold rose sweets and jam, there were trees and lawns that looked like something out of Alice in wonderland, a maze and a plethora of activities to undertake.

My brothers and I would run round the grounds building our imagery world as we weaves between our parents ankles. Over the years I have revisited Hampton Court, taking a university boyfriend there and meeting friends for a wonder and a cup of tea and a few weeks ago I found myself meeting my (soon to be officially) goddaughter and best friend from school. K moved to Plymouth after Uni and ended u staying in the north so the moments when we actually get to see one another are rather special and Hampton Court was the perfect back drop.

As we were parading round the grounds we came across the Rose garden which in June smelt amazing. It was warming, soft and so feminine. In fact it smells exactly as you would expect a fairy princess to. Whilst I usually find myself seeking a scent that is a little less girlie I did find myself signing and wishing that I could find a perfume that captured the amazing irrestiable atmosphere of Hampton Courts Rose garden.

It was only later when I went to apply some hand cream that I had already discovered it in l'occtaine's  rose petals Shea butter hand cream and body cream. They are limited edition and currently on sale so if you love the scent of Hampton Court as much as I do I recommend you invest. 
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