Festival prep

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This will be the third year that I have headed off to Y not festival in Derbyshire and I thought I would share some of my festival prep.

Last year my friend L developed the patten pending two tent system. Her tiger tent which is hard to lose in the crowd acts as out spill over tent /dressing room in which we chuck all our stuff whilst a more traditional 2/3 person tent houses us. Last year L invested in some blow up mattresses which make the experience so much better.

As we don't camp light I bring some blankets to add to our sleeping bags to make it more cozy as well as a pillow from home. This year we will be trying to lay a second sleeping bag over the two of us.

Last year my wellies sprang a leak and had to be patched up with brown tape which fell off in the mud. This is the evidence of last years foot wear disaster as you an see it was definitely wellie ground.

This year I have invested in some Hunter navy blue wellies. T k maxx currently have a plethora of Hunter wellies which come in at £39.99-£49.99, so it's worth popping in.

To my mind knee high wellies require knee high socks and these ones will do the job.

Other essentials include Pig torch, spare loo roll, plastic cups, bottle opener, can opener, dry shampoo, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, travel toothpaste, water bottle, water, sunscreen, sunglasses, parka/cag in a bag, hoody, big bottles of water (not pictured) and decanted bottles of alcohol.

Clothes wise you can go one of two ways; so festival it's fashion darling or comfortable. I try and aim for that impossible alchemy of both but since I also aim not to ruin my favourite clothes (no maxi dresses for me) so I probably end up more on the comfortable side. If you want to make it a bit more individual play with make up and accessories.

I'll do another post with the photographs when L and I get back.
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